Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bottle digging in the river

My metal detecting buddy called me up and asked if I would like to go jump in our local river and hunt for some old bottles, I said ok lets do it!!! No my river isn't some wonderful place, its a smelly, stagnant, polluted, sorry excuse of a river. I knew people have been going to it for generations so I knew it had some old antique bottles for us if we detected long enough. We were in the water for about 3.5hrs and found lots of bottles, sadly a ton of them were new ones. I was very happy with the bottles that we found and I can't wait to jump back in!!! On a side note, I want to go back sometime and metal detect the heck out of that place too and get all the old coins!!! Happy hunting...

the pix is of a few of my bottles I found.

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