4/20/11 Went out with DDub today for a 6hr metal detecting hunt today and we ran into BillT, the finds were few and far between but we managed to find some goodies. My best was when I got another nail signal (bouncing from iron to coin) and figured what they heck, let me dig it just to see what it is. I couldn't pinpoint the signal so I did "the minelab wiggle" to guesstimate where the target was. I was flippin dirt out when I seen a LARGE disc laying in front of me and starter yelling as loud as I could for DDub & BillT to come over, just then I thought to myself man this will be funny if I'm wrong and its just a makeup compact! tongue3 I never thought I would find a silver dollar and man am I pumped!!!!!
The really weird thing is this year I have found a 1892 dime, quarter, half, & now a dollar!?!?! Must be my lucky year or something!!!